Reflecting on Gusto - The People

Gusto hires really good people who are invested in seeing the company and coworkers succeed. The people kept me at Gusto for so long - everyone there was a pleasure to work with and everyone wanted you to be the best version of yourself.

In particular, I grew a lot from my relationships with:

I won’t describe everyone but the above list also includes Tori, Daniel, Ishmael, Sandy, Cody, Ryan, Paulina, Yannick, Angela, Kendra, Wenley, Matan, Peter, Roy, Brian, Dey, Kelly, Adrian and Ashish. I’m probably forgetting others too (the list is long) but nearly everyone at Gusto was fantastic.

If I had one regret from leaving Gusto, it was that I had to leave the wonderful people that I worked with everyday. Hopefully one day I’ll work with some of these folks again because it was a great experience the first time.